A verbal statement is no guarantee; a written text must be given as evidence. 空口无凭,立字儿为据。
Each SQL statement in the text file must be terminated with a semicolon(;). 文本文件中的每个SQL语句都必须以分号结束(;)。
The SELECT statement above retrieves the data from your status_updates table in individual columns named date_created and text. 以上的SELECT语句从位于名为datecreated和text的独立列中的statusupdates表获取数据。
This statement is vulnerable to SQL injection-quotes in$_GET ['username '] are not escaped and will be concatenated as part of the statement text, which can result in malicious behavior. 这条语句就容易受到SQL注入的威胁&$GET['username']中的引号没有转义,因此将被加入到语句文本中,这样可以导致恶意的行为。
Since the statement in the STMTKEY element contains the special XML characters, the query text needs to be enclosed in a CDATA section starting with 由于STMTKEY元素中的语句包含特殊的XML字符,因此需要用一个CDATA部分将查询文本包围起来,CDATA的开始部分为
The improvements help data managers track connections and authorizations, statement text, application IDs, and the originating request's IP, along with timestamps for important events. 这些改进有助于数据管理员跟踪连接和授权、语句文本、应用程序ID、发出请求的IP地址以及重要事件的时间戳。
Your problem statement requires the text, so you focus on the getColumnText method. 您的问题陈述需要这个文本,因此您需要将注意力放在getColumnText方法上。
SQL statement text is known at development time. SQL语句文本是在开发时知道的。
The next statement sets the text box with name q with the value HttpUnit. 下一条语句用值HttpUnit设置名为q的文本框。
Extensions to the CREATE INDEX statement enable administrators to create full text indexes to help improve the performance of such searches. 对CREATEINDEX语句的扩展使管理员能够创建全文索引,从而帮助改进这种搜索的性能。
Information about all SQL statements executed before the lock-timeout event in the participating transactions, such as statement text, isolation level used, order of execution, and so on. 在参与事务中的锁超时事件前执行的所有SQL语句信息,如语句文本、使用的隔离级、执行顺序等等。
The db2pd call gathers information about locks, transactions, applications, and the statement cache and stores this information in a text file for analysis purposes. db2pd调用收集与锁定、事务、应用程序、语句缓存相关的信息,并将信息存储在一个文本文件中以供分析。
Low-level tracing captures statement statistics, statement text and statement iterators. 低级跟踪捕捉语句统计数据、语句文本和语句迭代器。
By using XML tags within the policy, you can modify text, add text to the utility syntax statement, or remove text from it. 通过在策略值使用XML标记,您可以修改文本,将文本添加到实用程序语法语句,或者从中删除文本。
Or you could combine this into one statement if you do not use this particular text field more than once in your script 或者如果这个特定文本字段在脚本中只使用一次,那么可以将这个代码合并到一个语句中
When you select a code statement node, the corresponding reference appears refactored and highlighted in the preview code changes text box. 选择代码语句节点时,对应的引用显示为重构后的状态并突出显示在“预览代码更改”文本框中。
You can now specify your parameters by changing the SQL statement in the query text box or by clicking query builder. 现在,可以通过更改“查询文本”框中的sql语句或单击“查询生成器”来指定参数。
Article71if the company is provided with an audit statement with disclaimer of opinion or adverse opinion, the text of the audit statement, the financial statement and its notes shall be disclosed in the summary of the annual report. 第七十一条如果公司被出具了无法表示意见或否定意见的审计报告,则在披露年度报告摘要时须公布审计报告正文、财务报表及附注全文。
Create a filter statement in the filter statement text box. 在“筛选语句”文本框中创建一个筛选语句。
If the company is provided with an audit statement with clean opinion or reservation opinion, the text of the audit statement, the financial statement, and the notes related to the emphasized notes of clean opinion or reservation opinion shall be disclosed. 如果公司被出具了带强调事项段的无保留意见或保留意见的审计报告,应当披露审计报告正文、财务报表及带强调事项段的无保留意见或保留意见涉及事项的有关附注。
Preface: Formal statement before the text of a book by the author, explaining how he came to write the book. As distinct from Foreward. 书本正文前的正式说明,由作者撰写,解释他写作该书的目的和原因。有别于前言。
He declined to amplify on the President's statement, since he had not read the text. 他没有看到总统讲话的文本,不愿意加以发挥。
Put a cross? after each false statement according to the text. 根据课文在每个错误的说法后打个×号。
Indicator of whether a column permission was set. Parse the statement text to determine exactly which permissions were applied to which columns. 用于指示是否已设置列权限的指示符。分析语句文本以准确确定哪些权限应用于哪些列。
When you use the Transact-SQL SET statement options, you can produce estimated and actual execution plans in XML or text. 使用transact-sql语句选项,可以生成xml格式或文本格式的预计执行计划和实际执行计划。
Through external factors analysis, internal factors analysis, rival analysis, core competitiveness analysis and mission statement, this text educes the conclusion that the Wuhan Optics Valley of China should choose leap comprehensive development strategy. 本文通过外部因素分析、内部因素分析、光电子信息产业的竞争态势分析、核心竞争力分析、战略目标陈述,得出武汉·中国光谷应选择跨越式综合发展战略的结论。
Establishment and Statement about the Text Teaching Aim 课文教学目标的确立与陈述
On the one hand, the fans are enthusiastic players with powerful productivity. They make contribution to symbols productivity, statement productivity and text productivity of television culture. 一方面他们是具有强大生产力的狂热参与者,在符号生产力、声明生产力与文本生产力三个领域中都对电视文化做出贡献。
This section gives a concluding statement for the full text, points out the limitations of this paper, and expounds on the research prospects in the field. 在此部分,笔者针对全文做了一个总结性的阐述,指出了存在于本文研究中的局限性,并对该领域的研究进行展望。
Itemized statement, each based on different texts, will be based on unit requirements and the text features of breakdown of different training focus. 分项说明中,基于每篇课文的差异,将根据单元要求、课文特点分别列出不同训练重点。